AcumenTutoring Masthead

This Week's Available Times

This is a list of the hour-long slots currently available this week for tutoring sessions.

Note that these hours are quite fluid; some will disappear as people take those slots and new ones will be added as people cancel. The list will be updated whenever the schedule changes.

Block names below indicate St. Margaret blocks. However, they are not reserved for St. Margaret students; anyone may sign up for these times.


Updated Mar 8, 2:30 pm

March 8 - 16

Saturday 3/8

Note that I usually don't know about weekend openings until Friday late afternoon.

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Sunday 3/9

  • 10:00
  • 2:30


Remember that the SMES block times are not reserved for SMES students; anyone may sign up for those times.

  • 1:30
  • 2:30


  • 8:30 (D block)


  • 1:10 (D block)
  • 2:15 (E block)


  • 9:35 (G block)


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Note that I usually don't know about weekend openings until Friday late afternoon.

Saturday 3/15

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Sunday 3/16

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